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Doorway collection
We offer a free doorstep collection service. We collect donations from the doorstep and deliver them all around the country.
Donate at Our Offices
Fatih Foundation is an organization, registered under the Society Registration Act XXI of 1860 Reg#: KAR NO.312 of 2018-19.
Bank Accounts Details
Visit our offices in Karachi, and Lahore to serve humanity.
Payment modes: Cash, Cheque, In-Kind.
Donate on DARAZ.PK
Create a Daraz Account if you don’t have one already then pay via Any payment mode available on Daraz
Donate Via Internet Banking
Donors can also donate through the internet banking portal for in-kind donations in Meezan bank limited
Make your cheques collectible to “Fatih Foundation” and deposit them at our head office or various Bank accounts.